Jun 28, 2021
Considered by Sunni Muslims as the second most authentic book after the Quran, Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl al-Bukhārī's collection of the Prophet's sayings and traditions, or ḥadīth, holds an esteemed station in Sunni scholasticism.
To discuss with me the life, works and legacy of al-Bukhari is Dr. Jonathan Brown. Dr. Brown is the Alwaleed bin Talal Chair of Islamic Civilization in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. His PhD title and first book was "The Canonization of al-Bukhari and Muslim: the Formation and Function of the Sunni Hadith Canon".
Al-Bukhari was born 810CE in present day Uzbekistan almost 60 years
after the Abbasid revolution and just after the passing of the
fabled caliph Hārūn al-Rashīd and the start of the Fourth Fitna
civil war between his two sons, al-Amīn and al-Ma`mūn. What do we
know about his socio-political and cultural context and what impact
would it have on his formation as a scholar?
Al-Bukhari travelled extensively to collect ḥadīth including to the
Levant and Egypt and died in 870CE in his country of birth. Give
our listeners an overview of his life before we look at his works
and legacy.
Al-Bukhari is best known for his Ṣaḥīḥ collection. Before we look
at that in detail, described to us his other works.
There has been continued doubts cast on how authentic are the
traditions recorded in al-Bukharī's work. What are broader
consideration and premises that should be borne in mind when trying
to reconcile these views and where should listeners go next to
learn more about al-Bukhari and his works?
You are the author of "Misquoting Muhammad:
The Challenges and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy",
"Slavery and Islam" and other works. What are other current
projects that listeners can anticipate?
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We are also sponsored by Turath Publishing. Buy now An
Introduction to Sahih al-Bukhari by Mustafa al-Azami.
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Al-Ismāʿīlī died
371/981 and it was Abū Sufyān who asked the Prophet to marry Umm